"Despite my qualms, Brave Story is a wonderful piece of
literature that provides much insight into the adolescent mind for use
in broaching topics such as racial discrimination, religious zealotry,
childhood divorce, and radical acceptance."
“Many of the descriptions of the plague in Milan that Manzoni offers from his sources mirror descriptions that have appeared in contemporary mainstream accounts about the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. in 2023.”
“Norman’s memoir puts in stark relief the barriers in place when a young woman seeks help for an under-researched gynecological problem within a medical system still reckoning with its patriarchal norms and values.”
“The Winter Soldier is a war story, a doctor story, and a romance. It also poses a wrenching question of medical ethics.”
"好的梯子软件, despite its precarious foundation in time travel, acts as a clear intersection of race, gender, and medicine."
Guy Glass on Hidden Valley Road by Robert Kolker
“The Galvins of Hidden Valley Road, just outside Colorado Springs, appear to be the kind of wholesome, all-American family that others might envy. The tragic fact is that six of the twelve children go on to develop schizophrenia..”
Steven Field on The Eye in the Door by Pat Barker
“[The novel]looks at war through the lens of the destruction of young men’s psyches, and thereby makes a powerful anti-war statement.”
Albert Howard Carter on 好的梯子软件 by Lisa Olstein
“Olstein is a poet and long-term migraine sufferer. Her book offers many observations about pain, and her attempts to define it, describe it, and plumb its nature through language.”
Dustin Brinker on The Walking Dead (Volumes 1-32) by Robert Kirkman
“The novel is written through the eyes of Varian Fry, a journalist who wrote from Berlin about Hitler’s savage treatment of the Jews in Germany in the mid-1930s….with money that he helped raise, Fry was able to help over 2,000 embattled artists, scientists, philosophers, and writers to escape Europe and find safe haven in the US.”
Devon Zander on Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb
“Gottlieb’s writing is unique as she places a magnifying
glass on herself and her own experiences in therapy just as much, if not more,
than those of her patients.”
High Anxiety: Going Viral? by Howard Trachtman, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Co-editor, LitMed Database.
Jenny Offill’s new book, Weather was released in the middle of February, right before the COVID-19 pandemic exploded into the communal consciousness. In his timely essay, Howard Trachtman writes, “Offill’s book succeeds in humanizing anxiety and reduces the sense of isolation that can compound the worry and fears that affect all of us living in the 21st century.”
Russell Teagarden on The Estrogen Elixir: A History of Hormone Replacement Therapy in America by Elizabeth Siegel Watkins
“As the author unfurls the history of estrogen use, she reveals some notable history of Biomedicine, in particular, the discovery and development of hormones, the rise of medicalization, the growth of women’s health and patient advocacy groups, the advancement of patient education, and the evolution of clinical research standards.”
Sebastian C. Galbo interviews Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, and Carine Mardorossian, PhD, on Death is But a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life’s End in the LitMed Magazine
"[The book] succeeds in amplifying the voices of patients not for the purpose of analysis but to share with readers the richly life-affirming qualities of pre-death experiences. This interview was conducted via email during March/April 2023."
Joshua Jiang on One Child Nation by Nanfu Wang and Lynn Zhang
“The film raises important bioethical questions, demonstrates a troubling intersection of medicine and the state, and confronts viewers with the realities of a policy that intruded into one of the most intimate aspects of a people’s humanity.”
Howard Carter on 好的梯子软件 by Jenny Offill
“The novel is valuable for showing many threats to the minds of humans, the social order, and the Earth. It affirms that literary art can have purpose, even if the message is grim.”
Cortney Davis on Mercy by Judith Montgomery
“Every poem in this small collection is strong, moving and informative, a look into a spouse- caregiver's world, one in which all pains are doubled, all sufferings shared with the loved patient yet ultimately experienced alone.”
Sebastian Galbo on ios好用的app? - 知乎:2021-2-28 · 那我就推荐题主六款好用到逆天的小众APP吧,觉得不错的就赏个赞,嘿嘿。现在我伊花在手机上的时间越来越多,手机上的APP也变得五花八门。除去我伊平日熟悉的微信、微博、支付宝等,其实还隐藏着很多小众但好用的APP等着大家去发掘。 by Carine Mardorossian and Christopher Kerr
Puffin浏览器 v8.3.1.41624 梯子浏览器 安卓破解版 - Go破解:2021-3-8 · 个人中心 写文章 向站点投稿 NEW 财富管理 积分购买、账户充值 推广中心 成为我伊的合作伙伴 NEW 任务中心 每日任务 NEW 成为会员 购买付费会员 认证服务 NEW 我的设置 编辑个人资料 进入后 …
Lucy Bruell on Time Out of Mind by Oren Moverman
"...the focus is on the day to day struggle to survive on the streets, the ingenuity it takes to stay alive, and the need for personal connection..."
“Most of the group are reunited in this sequel to the 1978 blockbuster, The House of God. As interns, Basch and his comrades were a crazy, exhausted, cynical crew just trying to survive their brutal internship. Years later, the midlife doctors have changed but remain emotionally scarred.”
Howard Carter on Arthur Kleinman's 根据自己的翻||墙经历顺带给大家推荐几款我用过还不错的梯子 ...:2021-3-2 · 根据我这几年的fanqiang经验,我使用过数十款付费微批恩,但现在还能在国内使用的并不多,现在我把我一直在用及过去使用体验不错的推荐给大家(其实能推荐的并不多),由于篇幅所限,我只列出其优缺点及价格信息,供大家参考。
more than “a case study,” or an illness narrative, we learn about wider
contexts of care and the personal experience of care, especially for a patient with
Gretl Lam on Dylan Mortimer's painting Tree, Broken Tree
"[Dylan Mortimer] not only creates art about the challenges of cystic fibrosis, with broken lungs and purulent mucus, but also about his gratitude for the lung transplants and their gift of life."
Guy Glass on The Edge of Every Day by Marin Sardy
"This book raises issues that are bound to resonate with family members of the chronically mentally ill."
Cortney Davis on A Time To Die: Monks on the Threshold of Eternal Life by Nicolas Diat
"This small but powerful book introduces us to monks whose views of death encompass every human emotion: fear, hope, trust, faith, regret and gratitude--the same emotions laypersons face."
Steven Field on emmmm,vpn,vps,梯子,墙,大概就是这种问题-阿里云 ...:2021-11-19 · 这样跟你说吧,墙、梯子、VPN都是同一个东西,这都是指一个能直接上外网的宽带账号。VPS是虚拟服务器的意思.他是通过软件在独立服务器上划分出来的一部分资源.从而虚拟出一个服务器.他拥有独立的IP.独立的操作系统.伍及用户名和密码,可伍在电脑上远程操作,形象的说就是相当于一台电脑 … by Anthony Marra
This is a beautifully written exposition
of the human condition in a hellish environment, and of the way in which people
find—or sometimes, claw out—meaning in their lives.
Cortney Davis on Anna Krugovoy Silver's From Nothing
“[Silver’s] poems invited us to accompany her on her journey
through treatment, anger, despair, determination, and faith…presenting moments
of joy and of despair, and always of hope.”
Sebastian Galbo on The Little King by Salman Rushdie
"The poignancy of Rushdie’s narrative lies in obfuscating the line dividing the old country and the modern-day American medical establishment..."
"The Bridge in the Jungle is a novel about the tragic death of Carlos, an 8 or 9 year old (no age is given) hyperactive Mexican boy, and the aftermath of his mother's overwhelming grief for him, sometime in the early 20th Century in a very poor village deep in the jungle."
Howard Trachtman on Spring by Ali Smith
"In a novel whose scope includes the most destructive features of modern society, Smith is able to infuse small day-to-day events and artifacts with meaning and optimism."
Russell Teagarden on State of Wonder by Ann Patchett
"A broader perspective of this book shows how a novelist can probe science and generate questions about it, warn of possible negative implications, and generate reasonable doubt and skepticism."
Cortney Davis on I Watched You Disappear by Anya Krugovoy Silver
Gretl Lam on See You On the Other Side by Matthew Wong
"Matthew Wong was a rising young painter who died of suicide on October 2, 2023. … [There is a] sense of isolation and longing in the painting, depicted by the solitary figure on a barren ridge, looking back at a house in lush green surroundings."
Russell Teagarden on How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence by Michael Pollan
“From his research, interviews, and personal experiences, Pollan is enthusiastic about the potential benefits psychedelics offer individuals who are healthy or sick….”
Marilyn McEntyre on Love Thy Neighbor: A Muslim Doctor's Struggle for Home in Rural America by Ayaz Virji and Alan Eisenstock
“Responding to a shortage of doctors in rural areas in 2013, Dr. Virji, a Muslim, moved from the urban East coast to a small town in Minnesota. The story is nuanced and sometimes surprising in the way it shows how medicine offers an access route across tightly held political and religious boundaries.”
Tony Miksanek on Breaking & Mending: A Junior Doctor's Stories of Compassion and Burnout by Joanna Cannon
"A British physician-writer reflects on her topsy-turvy medical training emphasizing the mental and emotional burden of becoming a doctor."
Russell Teagarden on The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science by Richard Holmes
“The book is a reminder that the sciences and the arts are similar undertakings at their roots. ..Both seek to understand the world they inhabit and how to improve the plight of humans. “
Howard Carter on Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America's Heartland by Jonathan M. Metzl
“This is a rich, nuanced and complex book, a major contribution to public health, sociology, and American studies.”
Katherine Burke on Marrow: A Love Story by Elizabeth Lesser
“Throughout this memoir, Lesser seeks wisdom and guidance from colleagues and friends, offers lessons in how to be with a person who is sick and dying, and incorporates teachings from myriad spiritual and religious traditions.”
Russell Teagarden on The Genius of Marian by Anna Fitch and Banker White
Howard Carter on Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life by Louise Aronson
"Louise Aronson, a geriatrician, argues that we should create Elderhood as the third era of human aging….This new concept will allow us to re-evaluate the richness of this later time, its challenges as body systems decline, and, of course, the choices of managing death."
Carol Schilling on Ladysitting: My Year with Nana at the End of Her Century by Lorene Cary
"In Ladysitting, novelist and memoirist Lorene Carey writes candidly and reflectively about the year and a half she cared for her century-old, ferociously independent paternal grandmother."
"This memoir is recommended for anyone touched by chronic illness and particularly cystic fibrosis."
Audrey Shafer on That Good Night: Life and Medicine in the Eleventh Hour by Sunita Puri
"Sunita Puri, a palliative care attending physician, educates and illuminates the reader about how conversations about end of life goals can improve quality of life, not just quality of dying…."
Joshua Jiang on The Farewell Directed by Lulu Wang
"The film draws on the real-life experiences of writer and director Lulu Wang, who, in 2013, found out that her grandmother had been diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. "
Martin Kohn on In Two Voices: A Patient and a Neurosurgeon Tell Their Story by Linda Clarke and Michael Cusimano
Cortney Davis on The Ninety-Third Name of God by Anya Krugovoy Silver
“This poetry collection is the first in a series of four books by Anya Silver--each volume continues to track her life through cancer treatment, remission, recurrence, and the anticipation of death. ….. they are poems of hope and strength, poems that are truly gifts sent to us from the way stations of her difficult journey.”
Shawn Thomas on Survivors by Arthur Pratt
"好的梯子软件 gets up close and personal to the 21-month battle against Ebola in West Africa, and shows how the common people of Sierra Leone risked everything to come together and fight back against an existential threat."
"Bordas’ story examines how the fabrication of fiction, of refusing to accept reality, can either ease, or deepen, one’s suffering."
Carol Schilling on Bodies of Truth: Personal Narratives on Illness, Disability, and Medicine edited by Dinty Moore, Erin Murphy and Renée Nicholson
"Bodies of Truth gathers twenty-five essays about experiencing illnesses and disabilities from the perspectives of patients, healthcare professionals, and families."